MARCH 29, 2024

Dear Friends,

Earlier this week we watched with shock and sadness the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge.  In the hours that followed, we learned about the lives lost as the bridge fell, and we struggled to process the horrific images and video.  Today, we give our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the victims and our gratitude to the first responders whose brave actions saved lives. 

Looking toward the future, we know that the fall of the Key Bridge will be felt near and far.  The loss will hit hardest the workers whose livelihoods depend on the Port of Baltimore and the local businesses who support them.  The impact of the closing of the port will also affect shipping throughout the county, state, country, and globe.  And while we keep our thoughts with those most directly hurt by this accident, we also want to reassure all Marylanders that the County, State, and Federal governments are united both in quickly clearing the wreckage and in beginning the construction of a new bridge. 

Our office is closely monitoring the developing situation in Baltimore Harbor.  We will continue to do so and will work tirelessly with the General Assembly and other government officials to reopen the harbor, to rebuild the bridge, and to reinvigorate the communities impacted by this disaster. 

I'm proud to represent District 11B in the Maryland General Assembly House of Delegates.


If I can ever be of assistance, please contact me at or call my Annapolis Office at 410-841-3527


Dana Stein

Delegate, District 11B, Maryland General Assembly